Sunday, December 11, 2011

Is there still hope out there?

I was a fan of Robert Griffin III heading into last night because I felt he had the best case for winning the Heisman. Today, I’m a fan of him because he gives me hope in collegiate athletics.

With everything that’s going on from sex scandals to brawls like what happened at the Xavier v. Cincinnati game, RG3 makes me think there are a few good guys still around in the NCAA.

Did you hear his speech? Well-spoken doesn’t begin to tell the story. This guy was outstanding in my opinion. I was not very familiar with his character or attitude heading into Saturday night (enough to know I felt he was a qualified candidate), but after hearing how much he spoke about Baylor and not about himself, I was even more impressed with him than I had been just by watching his game.

His playing career is spectacular and has been discussed to no end surrounding the Heisman watch, but have you looked at his educational career? Undergrad in Political Science in just three years. Working on his Master’s currently in Communication (evident by the speech last night), & will finish in the spring. I’ve also seen where he plans to apply to Baylor law school. He made the honor roll every semester. This guy is legit.

“Unbelievably believable.” That’s how RG3 described the moment of winning the Heisman. Unbelievable, in his words, because in the moment we are all amazed at what has just happened, but believable because great things happen because of hard work.

Unbelievably believable is how I would describe this player, who is an excellent representative of the Heisman fraternity and a model for NCAA athletes. This is why he gives me hope. It’s unbelievable because there are so few GOOD stories that make the headlines anymore, but it’s believable because this guy has worked for what he’s got, and I know there are plenty of other stories out there like his.

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