Saturday, February 4, 2012

This week in Sports

Well, I may not know what happened elsewhere, but I know that I had a busy week in sports! And a few firsts!

For the first time in my short career, I was a part of a live shot! And, not to sound conceited, but I rocked it. It went great! It was the first live shot TrojanVision had done in four years, and I was honored to be a part of it! I was on the air live from Sartain Hall, the site of a basketball double-header, and made three appearances on the show. I was scheduled to have an interview to do live on the air, but with ten minutes to go, that was scrapped and I had to come up with some way to fill time! Here's a link to the video! I come in at the 7:00 mark and 11:30 mark! :)

I also had the opportunity to film Trojan Sports Now by myself! That's because my co-host was sick, so I hope he's better soon, but it was another awesome opportunity! When that video is up online I'll post a link to it as well.

Hope your week was as exciting and eventful as mine!

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